
(19) Dogs, man's best friends, have a clear strategy for dealing with angry owners——they look away. New research shows that dogs limit their eye contact with angry humans. The scientists suggest this may be an attempt to calm humans down. This behavior may have evolved as dogs gradually learned they could benefit from avoiding conflicts with humans. To conduct the tests, the University of Helsinki researchers trained 31 dogs to rest in front of a video screen. Facial photos of dogs and humans were displayed on the screen for 1.5 seconds. They showed threatening, pleasant and neutral expressions. Nearby cameras tracked the dogs' eye movements. Dogs in the study looked most at the eyes of humans and other dogs to sense their emotions.(20) When dogs looked at the expressions of angry dogs, their eyes rested more on the mouth, perhaps to interpret the threatening expressions. And when looking at angry humans, they tended to turn away their gaze. Dogs may have learned to detect threat signs from humans and respond by trying to make peace, according to researcher Sanni Somppi. Avoiding conflicts may have helped dogs develop better bonds with humans. (21) The researchers also note that dogs scan faces as a whole to sense how people are feeling, instead of focusing on a given feature. They suggest this indicates that dogs aren't sensing emotions from a single feature, but piecing together information from all facial features just as humans do.


预览三道题各选项,由选项中的 make threatening sounds和 its owner可初步推测,短文内容与某 种动物有关。结合各选项语义可进一步推测,第19题考查They在某种情况下的行为;第20题考查It解决问题 的办法;第21题选项均是由By引出的介词短语结构,旨在考查做某事的方式或方法。


19. What do dogs do when they are faced with angry humans?

A)。(详解)短文开头提到,狗是人类最好的朋友,在遇到主人生气时,它们有一个很清晰的应对策略,那 就是把目光移开。新研究表明,在遇到生气的人时,狗会减少与他们的目光交流。因此答案为A)

20. What does a dog do when it sees the expressions of angry dogs?

D)。(详解)短文中提到,赫尔辛基大学的研究者们训练了31只狗用于实验,观察它们见到威胁、高兴或 中性表情时的反应。实验表明,看到狗生气的表情时,它们的目光会更多地落在对方的嘴巴上。因此 答案为D)

21. How does a dog sense peoples feelings?

C)。(详解)短文末尾提到,研究者们说,狗通过整体地看人脸的表情来判断人的情绪,而不是只聚焦在人 类所表现出来的某一表情特征。这表明狗不是通过某一个单一的特征,而是像人类一样从所有的面部 特征中综合分析判断人们的情绪。因此答案为C)。