
W: Mr. Ishiguro, have you ever found one of your books at a secondhand bookstore?

M: Yes. That kind of thing is difficult. (1)If they've got my book there, I think, “Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book!” But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too. I think, “Why aren't people exchanging my book? Why isn't it in this store?”

W: Does being a writer require a thick skin?

M: (2)Yes, for example, my wife can be very harsh. I began working on my latest book, The Buried Giant, in 2004, but I stopped after I showed my wife a little section. She thought it was rubbish.

W: Even after you won a Booker Prize?

M: She's not intimidated at all and she criticizes me in exactly the same way she did when I was first unpublished and I was starting.

W: But you would never compromise on your vision.

M: No, I wouldn't ever compromise on the essential, the ideas or the themes. This isn't really what my wife is trying to criticize me about. It's always about execution.

W: So why did you put your book, The Buried Giant, aside for so long? Apparently you started working on it over 10 years ago.

M: (3)I've often stopped writing a book and left it for a few years. And by the time I come back to it, it may have changed. Usually my imagination has moved on and I can think of different contexts or a different way to do it.

W: What does it feel like when you finally finish a book?

M: (4)It's funny you ask that because I never have this moment when I feel, “Ah, I've finished!” I watch footballers at the end of the match, you know, the whistle goes and they've won or lost. Until then they've been giving everything they have and at that moment they know it's over. It's funny for an author. There's never a finishing whistle.


预览四道题各选项,由第3题选项中的wtes、bok和第4题选项中的 Writing, Writers等词可 以初步推测,对话内容与作家进行书籍创作有关;再结合第1题和第2题选项中的feel、 worth、 value等词可以 进一步推测,对话内容涉及对作家作品的感受与评价。


1. How would the man feel if he found his book in a secondhand bookstore?

【详解】 对话开头,女士问男士是否在二手书店见到过自己的作品,男士说他是见到过的,但是不论他能否在二手书店看到自己的作品,他都感觉是一种侮辱,不是自己的书遭人厌弃,就是有可能人们认为他的书不值得交换。因此答案为A)。

2. What does the man's wife think of his books?

【详解】 对话中男士提到,作家需要厚脸皮,他的妻子非常苛刻,在2004年他刚刚开始创作The Buried Giant一书时,他的妻子就把他写出的部分内容评价为“垃圾”,但男士也说,他妻子的批评从来都不是针对书的核心、思想或主题,而是集中在呈现的方式上。由此可知,男士的妻子认为他的书是需要改进的,因此答案为D)。

3. What does the man do when he engages in writing?

【详解】 对话中男士说,他在创作的过程中,会经常性地把已经开始写的书放在一边,几年以后,等他再继续创作时,他的某些想法、呈现的方式都会产生变化。也就是说,他很少一次性地完成一本书的创作,因此答案为A)。

4. What does the man want to say by mentioning the football match?

【详解】 对话结尾,女士问男士最终写完一本书后有何感受,男士提到了足球比赛,当哨音响起,比赛结束,不管是输是赢,球员都知道这场自己拼尽了全力的比赛已经结束,但写作与之不同,永远都没有结束的哨音。也就是说,对于写作来说,永无止境,因此答案为D)。