
For years, many of us have relied on antibiotic use to treat various infections. And the reality is that antibiotics have been responsible for saving millions of lives since penicillin, one of the earliest antibiotics, was first used on a clinical basis 70 years ago. However, today is a new era in which taking antibiotics can cause some very dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations. (13)In fact, you may have heard about the new “superbugs”, which are antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have developed as a result of overprescribed antibiotics. In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat. (14)And, apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.

The problem has grown into such epidemic proportions that this severe strain of resistant bacteria is being blamed for nearly 700,000 deaths each year throughout the world; and, unfortunately, health experts worry that the number will rise to 10 million or more on a yearly basis by 2050. (15)With such a large life-threatening epidemic, it is sad to say that only 1.2 percent of budgetary money for the National Institutes of Health is currently being spent on research to tackle this problem. This is a far cry from the funds necessary for a problem of such magnitude.


预览三道题各选项,由第13题选项中的 antibiotics life-threatening diseases、 bacteria等词可以 初步推测,短文内容与使用抗生素对重大疾病进行治疗有关;再结合各题选项中的overprescribed、no longer curable、 complex等词可以进一步推测,短文内容涉及抗生素的过度使用及其后果。


13. What do we learn about the “superbugs”?

【详解】 短文中提到了“superbugs”这一概念。所谓“超级细菌”指的是那些因为过度使用抗生素而产生的抗药性细菌。因此答案为D)。

14. What is the result of the overuse of antibiotics?

【详解】 短文中提到,健康专家已经给出了警告,很快那些很普通的病症都将变得无药可用,并且目前已经出现的情况是,由于滥用抗生素产生抗药性细菌所带来的感染风险,原本极为普通的手术也开始变得危险起来。因此答案为D)。

15. What is most urgently needed for tackling the large life-threatening epidemic, according to the speaker?

【详解】 短文末尾提到,面对一个如此危害众多生命的难题,国家健康研究所目前仅投入其预算的1.2%进行研究,对于这么一个重量级的难题来说这样的资金投入远远不够。也就是说,目前最急需的是投入更多的资金,故答案为C)。