

[A](37)近年来,人们对精英高中数学竞赛的热衷与日俱增。去年夏天,美国在国际数学奥林匹克竟赛中 摘取桂冠,这是20多年来美国队的第一次胜出。鉴于此,这种趋势很可能会继续下去。

[B](43)但是,这种由来自中产阶级和富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生主导的竟赛,会让参赛者变得更加多元 化吗?许多社会和文化因素决定了哪些有前途的学生能够得到国际数学界的认可。但各方正努力让更多的黑 人、西班牙裔和低收入家庭的学生进入高等数学领域,希望能改变高水平竟争者的人口池,使其不再那么排外。

[C]“目前的挑战在于,如果某类人正在做某些事情,其他人则很难参与进来,”罗博深说,他是去年美国数 学奥林匹克队赢得冠军的主教练。罗教授认为,通过朋友和网络,越来越多的人参与到比赛中来。他说,“如果 你意识到参赛人数增长的方式,你就可以开始采取行动”,并带领其他学生参与进来。

[D]大多数高等数学竞赛的训练都是在课外时间进行的。学生们参加课外俱乐部、夏令营、在线论坛和课 堂,以及大学“数学圈”等为比赛做准备。

[E]高中数学竞赛参赛学生的最大的供应者之一,包括那些最终参加国际奥林匹克数学大赛的学生,是一 个叫 Math Counts的中学项目。全国各地大约有10万名学生参加该项目的系列比赛,该比赛以每年五月份举行 次全国性的比赛为终点。最近一次全国性比赛是上周在华盛顿举行的。学生首先在本校组成参赛团队,学校 则选派一位志愿教练,并支付象征性的费用让学生参加区域和州级比赛。(41)最终进入全国比赛的224名学生 的所有费用全免。

[F]去年赢得国际数学奥林匹克竟赛的美国队队员中,他们几乎都在初中时参加过 Math Counts项目,罗教 授也是如此。(36)“中学是一个重要的阶段,因为学生有足够的数学能力来解决高级问题,但他们并没有真正 决定将来到底想做什么。他们很容易对数学感兴趣。”罗教授说。

[G]另一个较有影响力的供应者是一个名为“问题解决艺术”的在线网校。该网校大约在13年前始创,现 在有15,000个用户。(39)学生们可以在论坛上聊天、玩游戏、解决问题,全部免费。他们也可以花几百美元参 加受过培训老师的课程。据该公司创始人理查德·阿兹克介绍,去年参加国际奥数大赛的美国6支团队队员们 在该课程网站的学习课程总计超过40门。学习高等数学的学生家长和 Math Counts的教练们说孩子们经常登 录该网站。

[H]还有好几十个大学附属夏令营,它们旨在培养数学精英。(45)有些夏今营费用很高,比如三周的强化 课程需要花费4,500美元以上,但多数夏令营都提供奖学金。数学奥林匹克夏季训练计划是一个为期三周的数 学集训营,由美国数学协会举办,学员可以直接参加国际锦标赛,而且对拿到名次的学员免费。只有大约60名学 生能够获得遨请,遴选依据是笔试成绩和在美国数学奥林匹克竞赛中的表现。

[I](38-1)大学城的学生可能通过另外一种方法学习高数:数学圈。数学圈主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的 传统,(38-2)教授在放学后或周末教授幼儿园到12年级中具有数学天分的学生研习高等数学。洛杉矶数学圈 在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校举行,2007年开始时只有20名学生,现在则超过250人。“这些数学圈不收费或 收取少量费用,但你必须了解它们的运行规则,”阿兹克说,“大多数人愿意让没有机会参与进来的学生加入进 来,但却无法把他们领进门。一部分原因是沟通问题,另外一部分是交通成本问题。

[J]在高等数学界,多元化是个问题,这已不是什么秘密。根据美国数学协会竞赛主任马克·索尔的说法 在50年的数学竞赛史中,没有任何一个非裔美国人或西班牙裔学生参加过数学奥林匹克小组,而且女孩也只占 少数。(42)许多学校根本不把学术竞赛视为头等大事。“你知道我们要打败谁吗?”索尔问道。“足球队,篮球 队。那些团队可都会和我们竞争资源,挤占学生的时间、注意力、学校的经费、家长的付出以及学校的热情。”

[K]在低收入的城市和农村地区的教师没有参加过数学竞赛,所以可能也不知道如 Math Counts这样学习 高数的机会,而那些知道的老师,可能也得不到支持或没有足够的能力带领孩子们参赛。

[L]但也有一些措施尽力争取让更多被忽视的学生学习高数。(40)纽约一个名为“进入数学之桥”的非营 利机构开办了一个寄宿夏令管项目,旨在让服务不到的学生,主要是黑人和西班牙学生,致力于数学和科学事 业。七年级结束后的夏天,学生们在大学里待上三周,每天学习高等数学七小时。在接下来的五年里,该机构帮 助学生们加入其他优秀的暑期数学项目,进入优质高中,最终到大学学习。到目前为止,大约有250名学生参加 过该项目,而该项目也得到了杰克·肯特·库克基金会的资助。

[M](44)“美国许多低收入的社区都有服务项目,但他们主要集中在“提高孩子的学习成绩”而不是让 这些孩子获得与富有家庭的孩子同等的机会”该项目的创始人兼执行董事丹尼尔·扎哈诺波说。“我们正试 图开创这条道路。”学生们直接通过他们的学校申请这个项目。“我们希望接触到那些尚未接触过这个系统的家 长,”扎哈诺波说。

[N]在过去的几年里,为了让参加者人员多样化, Math Counts新增了两个中学项目:国家数学俱乐部和数 学视频挑战赛。报名参加国家数学俱乐部的学校或教师会收到一整套活动方案和学习资源,但没有专门的教师 培训,也没有相应的比赛。

[O]数学视频挑战赛是一种协同比赛。4个学生组成一个小组,制作视频演示一个数学问题及其在实际生 活中的应用。在今年的 Math Counts全国赛激烈紧张的倒计时轮,前12名学生正面交锋,快速解决复杂的问题 之后数学视频挑战赛决赛选手上台展示自己的视频。这一组的人口分布与竞赛轮出现了很大不同————16名决 赛选手中,13名是女生,8名是非裔美国学生。视频挑战赛并没有让个别学生骑虎难下,而是设计得更亲民。除 此之外,它还增加了艺术创造力的元素,吸引了一批新的认为自己不是“数学天才”的学生。


36. Middle school is a crucial period when students may become keenly interested in advanced mathematics.

【译文】 中学是学生对高等数学产生浓厚兴趣的关键时期。

【定位】 由题干关键词Middle school和a crucial period定位到[F]段第二句。

[F] Nearly all members of last year’s winning U.S. IMO team took part in MATHCOUNTS as middle school students—as did Loh, the coach. “Middle school is an important age because students have enough math capability to solve advanced problems, but they h aven’t really decided what they want to do with their lives,” said Loh. “They often get hooked then.”

【详解】 [F]段引用罗教授的话指出“中学是一个重要的年龄段,因为学生有足够的数学能力来解决高级问题”。题干中的a crucial period对应原文中的an important age,故答案为F)。

37. Elite high school math competitions are attracting more interest throughout the United States.

【译文】 精英高中数学竞赛在全美引起更多学生的兴趣。

【定位】 由题干关键词Elite high school math competitions定位到[A]段。

[A] Interest in elite high school math competitions has grown in recent years, and in light of last summer’s U.S. win at the International Math Olympiad——— the first for an American team in more than two decades—the trend is likely to continue.

【详解】 定位段指出近年来,人们对精英高中数学竞赛的兴趣越来越大,而且这种趋势很可能会继续下去。题干是对定位段的同义概括,故答案为A)。

38. Math circles provide students with access to advanced-math training by university professors.

【译文】 数学圈使学生有机会由大学教授培训高等数学。

【定位】 由题干关键词Math circles和university professors定位到[I]段前两句。

[I] Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math: math circles. In these groups, which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent, professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends. The Los Angeles Math Circle, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, began in 2007 with 20 students and now has more than 250.

【详解】 [I]段指出,大学城的学生也可以进入数学圈进行高数学习,教授在放学后或利用周末时间教授有前途的12年级及以下的学生研习高等数学。题干中的provide students with access to对应原文中Students…have access to,故答案为I)。

39. Students may take advantage of online resources to learn to solve math problems.

【译文】 学生们可以利用网上资源学习解决数学问题。

【定位】 由题干关键词online和solve…problems定位到[G]段第二句。

[G] Another influential feeder for advanced-math students is an online school called Art of Problem Solving, which began about 13 years ago and now has 15,000 users. Students use forums to chat, play games, and solve problems together at no cost, or they can pay a few hundred dollars to take courses with trained teachers. According to Richard Rusczyk, the company founder, the six U.S. team members who competed at the International Math Olympiad last year collectively took more than 40 courses on the site. Parents of advanced-math students and MATHCOUNTS coaches say the children are on the website constantly.

【详解】 定位句指出,学生们可以利用在线学校进行论坛聊天、玩游戏、免费共同解决问题。题干中的take advantage of对应原文中的use,故答案为G)。

40. The summer program run by a nonprofit organization has helped many underserved students learn advanced math.

【译文】 由一个非营利组织运行的暑期计划已经帮助许多服务不到的学生学习高等数学。

【定位】 由题干关键词The summer program, nonprofit和underserved students定位到[L]段第二句。

[L] But there are initiatives in place to try to get more underrepresented students involved in accelerated math. A New York City-based nonprofit called Bridge to Enter Mathematics runs a residential summer program aimed at getting underserved students,mostly black and Hispanic, working toward math and science careers. The summer after 7th grade, students spend three weeks on a college campus studying advanced math for seven hours a day. Over the next five years, the group helps the students get into other elite summer math programs, high-performing high schools, and eventually college. About 250 students so far have gone through the program, which receives funding from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. ||| 【详解】 定位句指出,一个名为“进入数学之桥”的非营利机构,总部位于纽约,开办了一个区域性的暑期计划,旨在让服务不到的学生,主要是黑人和西班牙裔,致力于数学和科学事业。题干中的a nonprofit organization指的是原文中的Bridge to Enter Mathematics,题干是定位句的同义概括,故答案为L)。

41. Winners of local contests will participate in the national math competition for free.

【译文】 本地比赛优胜者将免费参加全国数学竞赛。

【定位】 由题干关键词national math competition和for free定位到[E]段最后一句。

[E] One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions———— including those that eventually lead to the International Math Olympiad—is a middle school program called MATHCOUNTS. About 100,000 students around the country participate in the program’s competition series, which culminates in a national game-show-style contest held each May. The most recent one took place last week in Washington, D.C. Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions. The 224 students who make it to the national competition get an all-expenses-paid trip.

【详解】 定位句指出,参加全国比赛的224名学生的所有费用全部报销。题干是对定位句的同义替换,故答案为E)。

42. Many schools don’t place academic competitions at the top of their priority list.

【译文】 许多学校没有把学术竞赛放在他们优先列表的首位。

【定位】 由题干关键词Many schools和academic competitions定位到[J]段第三句。

[J] It's no secret in the advanced-math community that diversity is a problem. According to Mark Saul, the director of competitions for the Mathematical Association of America, not a single African-American or Hispanic student---and only a handful of girls---has ever made it to the Math Olympiad team in its 50 years of existence. Many schools simply don't prioritize academic competitions. “Do you know who we have to beat?” asked Saul. “The football team, the basketball team---that's our competition for resources, student time, attention, school dollars, parent efforts, school enthusiasm.”

【详解】 定位句指出,许多学校根本不把学术竞赛列为优先考虑的范畴。题干中的place…at the top of their priority list对应原文中的prioritize,故答案为J)。

43. Contestants of elite high school math competitions are mostly Asian and white students from well-off families.

【译文】 精英高中数学竞赛的参赛者大多是来自富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生。

【定位】 由题干关键词Asian and white students和well-off families定位到[B]段第一句。

[B] But will such contests, which are overwhelmingly dominated by Asian and white students from middle-class and affluent families, become any more diverse? Many social and cultural factors play roles in determining which promising students get on the path toward international math recognition. But efforts are in place to expose more black, Hispanic, and low-income students to advanced math, in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less insular. ||| 【详解】 定位句指出,这种竞赛由来自中产阶级和富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生主导。题干中的well-off families是原文中affluent families的同义替换,题干是对定位句的同义概括,故答案为B)。

44. Some math training programs primarily focus on raising students’ math score.

【译文】 一些数学培训项目主要关注于提高学生的数学成绩。

【定位】 由题干关键词raise…math scores定位到[M]段第一句。

[M] “If you look at a lot of low-income communities in the United States, there are programs that are serving them, but they’re primarily centered around, ‘Let’s get these kids’ grades up,’ and not around, ‘Let’s get these kids access to the same kinds of opportunities as more-affluent kids,’ ” said Daniel Zaharopol, the founder and executive director of the program. “We’re trying to create that pathway.” Students apply to the program directly through their schools. “We want to reach parents who are not plugged into the system,” said Zaharopol.

【详解】 定位句指出,许多服务项目主要集中在“提高孩子的学习成绩”。题干中的primarily focus on对应原文中的primarily centered around,故答案为M)。

45. Some intensive summer programs are very expensive but most of them provide scholarships.

【译文】 一些暑期课程非常昂贵,但大部分都提供奖学金。

【定位】 由题干关键词intensive summer programs, expensive和scholarships定位到[H]段第二句。

[H] There are also dozens of summer camps—many attached to universities—that aim to prepare elite math students. Some are pricey—a three-week, intensive program can cost $4,500 or more—but most offer scholarships. The Math Olympiad Summer Training Program—the three-week math camp held by the Mathematical Association of America that leads straight to the international championship—is free for those who make it. Only about 50 students are invited based on their performance on written tests and at the USA Math Olympiad.

【详解】 定位句指出,有些夏令营费用很高,比如三周的强化训练课程需要花费4 500美元以上,但多数夏令营都提供奖学金。题干中的expensive对应原文中的pricey;provide对应原文中的offer,故答案为H)。