
Most Americans don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains, (13)researchers now says adding fiber to teen diet may help lower the risk of breast cancer.

Conversations about the benefits of fiber are probably more common in nursing homes than high schools. But along comes a new study that could change that. Kristi King,a diet specialist at Texas Children's Hospital finds it's hard to get teenager patients’ attention about healthy eating but telling them that eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age. That's a powerful message.

(14)The new finding is based on a study of 44,000 women. They were surveyed about their diets during high school, and their eating habits were tracked for two decades. It turns out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescence had a lower risk of developing breast cancer, compared to the women who ate the least fiber. This important study demonstrates that the more fiber you eat during your high school years, the lower your risk is in developing breast cancer in later life.

(15)The finding points to long-standing evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels, which could explain the reduced risk. The bottom line here is the more fiber you eat, perhaps, a lower level of hormone in your body, and therefore, a lower lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. High-fiber diets are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. That's why women are told to eat 25 grams a fiber a day - men even more.


预览三道题各选项,由 avoid developing breast cancer、 change in food preferences, fiber, eating habits、 adolescence等词可以推测,短文内容与青少年的饮食习惯与乳腺癌的发病率之间的关系有关;结合第 15题各选项语义可知,短文揭示了饮食中所包含的纤维的功效。


13. What does the new study tell about adding fiber to the teen diet?


【详解】 短文开头部分提到,研究发现,在青少年的饮食中加入食物纤维可能有助于降低他们罹患乳腺癌的风险。因此答案为C)。

14. What do we learn about the survey of the 44,000 women?


【详解】 短文中提到,在一项基于对44 000名女性的研究中,研究人员调查了她们高中时期的饮食,并且进行了长达20年的饮食习惯追踪。也就是说,这项研究从她们青少年期就追踪其饮食习惯,故答案为D)。

15. What explanation does the speaker offer for the research finding?


【详解】 短文末尾提到,研究指出,纤维能够降低人们体内的雌性激素循环水平,摄入的纤维越多,可能体内的激素水平就会越低。换句话说,纤维有降低体内激素的功效,故答案为A)。