
(5)The first private mission outside earth orbit is closed to many of our think. U.S. government officials outset to approve a mission by privately held space company-Moon Express to travel outside of the earth orbit in late 2017. (6)Moon express’s mission involves plans to land a suitcase size package of scientific equipment on the moon for on-going exploration on commercial development. The decision involved amounts of lobbying and coordinated conversations between a number of factual agencies. On the international treaties, the US is responsible for the cargo of both public and private space craft. This makes commercial space travel a complex legal issue not just domestically but abroad. (7)A Moon Express representative declined to comment on the story but noted that the company is very optimistic about its proposal. Moon express is not the only company seeking for the rights to travel to outerspace. Elon Musk’s space X aims to send an unmanned aircraft to Mars by 2018.


预览三道题各选项,由 space travel、 space exploration、 outer space和 spacecraft等词可推测,新 闻内容与航天和太空有关。第5题各选项均为概括性比较强的名词短语,可能考查新闻主旨;第6题各选项均为 般现在时态的动词短语,结合 Deliver、 a new mission、 space programs和 Launch等词可推测,此题考查某航 天机构将来的行为动作;第7题各选项均为主系表结构,结合语义可推测,此题考查对某事物的评价。


5.What is the news report mainly about?

C)【精析】 主旨大意题。新闻开头提到,第一个私人外太空任务越来越近了,比我们想象的要快。美国政府官员将会批准一个私人控股航天公司Moon Express的一项任务:2017年底穿越外太空。

6.What is the Moon Express planning to do?

A)【精析】 事实细节题。新闻中提到,Moon Express的任务包括在月球上放一个行李箱大小的包裹,里面是科技设备,以方便正在进行中的探测和商业方面的发展。

7.What does Moon Express think of its mission?

B)【精析】 细节推断题。新闻中提到,Moon Express的一位代表拒绝对这件事进行评论,但提到该公司对这个提议还是非常乐观的。