
M: Hello, I wish to buy a bottle of wine.

W: Hi, yes. What kind of wine would you like?

M: I don't know, sorry. I don't know much about wine.

W: That’s no problem at all. What’s the occasion and how much would you like to spend?

M: It's for my boss. It’s his birthday. I know he likes wine, but I don't know what type. I also do not want anything too expensive, maybe mid-range. How much would you say is a mid-range bottle of wine approximately?

W: Well, it varies greatly. Our lowest prices are around $6 a bottle, (5)but those are table wines. They are not very special. And I would not suggest them as a gift. On the other end, our most expensive bottles are over $150. If you are looking for something priced in the middle, I would say anything between $30 and $60 would make a decent gift. How does that sound?

M: Mm, yeah. (6)I guess something in the vicinity of 30 or 40 would be good. Which type would you recommend?

W: (7)I would say the safest option is always a red wine. They are generally more popular than whites, and can usually be paired with food more easily. Our specialty here are Italian wines, and these tend to be fruity with medium acidity. (8-1)This one here is a Chianti, which is perhaps Italy's most famous type of red wine. Alternatively, you may wish to try and surprise your boss with something less common, such as the Infantile. The grapes are originally native to Croatia but this winery is in east in Italy and it has a more spicy and peppery flavor. So to summarize, the Chianti is more classical and the Infantile more exciting. Both are similarly priced at just under $40.

M: (8-2)I will go with Chianti then. Thanks.


预览四道题各选项,由选项中的gins、wine等词可以初步推测,对话内容与购买葡萄酒作为礼物 送人有关;再结合第6题选项中的不同价格区间,第7、8两题选项中的 Italians、 spicy、 red wine等词可以进一步 推测,对话内容涉及意大利红葡萄酒,并且两人谈到了葡萄酒的价格、口味等方面。


5. What does the woman think of table wines?

对话中,女士对男士说,她店里最便宜的葡萄酒大约6美元一瓶,但这些都是普通的佐餐酒,没有什么特别之处,她不建议男士买这种葡萄酒作为礼物。也就是说,这种table wine不是体面的礼物,答案为B)。

6. What is the price range of wine the man will consider?


7. Why does the woman recommend red wines?


8. What do we learn about the wine the man finally bought?
