

[A](43-1)作为一名高三的学生,我生活中的每一件事都围绕着进入合适的大学而展开。我努力参加学术 水平测验考试、美国大学入学考试和美国大学预修课程考试的备考课程。我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报 社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧队。我不喝酒,不参加派对,甚至很少约会。(43-2)我曾经以为,合适的大学 是一所有声望的大学,一所有名的大学。它不必是常春藤名校,但它必须是“顶尖学校”。

[B](40)如今在九年之后回想起来,我记不清这些大学的哪一点令它们看起来好许多。或许是一门看似 更为严格的课程?或者是一个我希望能打开未来大门的校友网?也许吧。“我确实认为,获得更多认可的学校 有优势,”宾夕法尼亚大学的高等教育教授玛丽贝思·盖斯曼指出。“我并不完全认为这就是去上一所顶尖学校 的理由。

[C]反思一下,我对品牌力量的坚定信念是天真的,更不用说有点势利了。我快速跳过公立学校和南方学 校,认为它们的课程必然落后于东北或西部的学校。相反,我梦想住在纽约,父母让我参观了纽约大学的校园。 参观期间我们讨论了学费。(纽约大学一直被评为美国最昂贵的学校之一,每年的住宿费和伙食费计超过6.4 万美元。)(38)直到那时,我才真正意识到教育是多么昂贵。在接下来的几个月里,我意识到自己不仅上不起梦 想中的学校,甚至连那些已经录取自己的学校都上不起。纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可 及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。使我的大学选择变得更为 复杂的是我蒸蒸日上的径赛事业————我想继续跑步,但我的跑步速度还没有快到足以获得奖学金。

[D]因此,在佐治亚州立大学午夜截止日期的当晚11点,我进行了网上申请。位于福布斯顶尖大学排行榜 第466位,研究型大学排行榜第183位,南部大学排行榜第108位,我不能说这所大学是我的首选。不过,田径教 练还是给了我一个大学运动队成员的位置,而且我确实觉得亚特兰大市区的校园是继纽约市之后的一个像样的 安慰奖。

[E](44)虽然这所大学可能非常务实,但它并不具有声望。但事实上:我爱我的“低层次的”大学。(我 慎地使用了“低层次”这个词,因为佐治亚州立大学是一所备受赞誉的研究机构,吸引了来自全国各地的优质教 授和教师。)我们被教导要相信,只有上最好的学校,取得最好的成绩,我们才能避开激烈的竞争并创造更美好的 未来。但是,如果低层次的学院和大学就是避开激烈竟争的敲门砖呢?毕竟,还有哪里能让你毕业时拥有一个 像样的学位————却没有一辈子的债务?

[F]我的学校并没有像那些更受欢迎的大学一样预先包装好,所以我们只能自己照顾自己,弄清城市生活 并努力完成没有人支持我们取得成功的学位课程。我想说的是,我爱我的大学,因为它把我们所有人都教得足 智多谋,让我们可以用自己的智谋达成心愿。

[G]我很幸运地获得了名为“希望”(在教育上帮助杰出学生)的彩票资助奖学金来支付自己的学费。当 我开始上大学时,希望奖学金得到了乔治亚州的资助,并颁发给平均学分绩点为3.0或以上的高中毕业生 (37)我用高中时赚到的钱支付生活費和书本费,已故祖父留给我的一小笔大学基金和我出生时父母开设的一 个普通存储账户作为补充。

[H]那么名声又如何呢?当然,我的许多同事和竞争对手的母校比我的更有魅力。作为一名记者,我曾与 纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学和来自东北部大学的毕业生竞争工作。(41)然而,没有一位面试官曾问过我的教育背 景。事实上,几乎每一次我参加的面试都是由于人脉关系————我通过纯粹的决心,而非学校品牌,所获得的人脉 关系。

[I](45) 据《波士顿环球报》报道,2012年获得学士学位的学生每月平均货款为312美元,比2004年的毕 生高出三分之一。基本上,这是大学不想承认的一点。私立大学是赚钱机构。如果你上得起名牌大学,它们是 你的选择。然而,对于我们其余的人来说,我们热情友好的低层次大学也很好,谢谢。

[J]有钱的大学大肆宣扬它们的名声带给毕业生的好处:即强大的校友网、明星教员以及简历提升。但你不 必为了获得这些奖励而去上常春藤盟校。卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《ⅥCE》的第 一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友。(36)成功人士无论在哪里上学都会取得成功,而低层次大学也 可以拥有和名校对手一样强大的校友网。事实上,可以说,低层次大学的校友网更加强大,因为校友们明白你来 必有捷径可走。他们可能更愿意提供职业上的帮助,因为你不太出名的学校意味着,像他们一样,你也充满了活 力和毅力。

[K](39)《华盛顿邮报》报道了普林斯顿大学经济学家最近的一项研究,在该研究中将那些在十二年级申 请高选择性院校的大学毕业生与那些申请选择性略低院校的大学毕业生进行了对比,他们发现,潜力更大的 学生在成年时赚的钱更多,反之亦然,无论他们去哪里上学。

[L]同样,明星教员并不是在你期望的地方出现。名校不一定是教授的最佳去处;此外,许多教授把教学 时间分配给多所学院或大学。这意味着,例如,纽约城市大学的学生有期望从同一名著名教授哪里获得同 等质量的教学,就像他们在纽约大学入读同一个班时一样。

[M]有可能一些招聘经理会被有特定教育背景的求职者吸引,但这并不能保证。根据《大西洋月刊》2012 年的一项调查,在评估应聘毕业生属性的相对重要性时,大学声誉排名最低,被实习、大学期间就业、大学专业、 志愿者经历和课外活动等排名最高的因素击败。

[N]也许选择不那么有名的大学的学生一定会成功,因为他们下定决心要成功。我倾向于这样认为。(42)无论 如何,如果能再来一次,我还是会做出同样的选择。如今,我无债一身轻,又足智多谋————我明白了,即使是最华 丽的包装也无法预测你会在里面发现什么。


36. Modest institutions can also have successful graduates and strong alumni networks.

(译文)普通院校也可以 拥有成功的毕业生和强大的 校友网。

(定位)由题干关键词 Modest institutions, successful 和 strong alumni networks定位到[J]段画 线处。

J) Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates: namely, strong alumni networks, star faculty, and a résumé boost. But you needn't attend an Ivy League school to reap those rewards. Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college, as well as VICE's first female editor-in-chief, Ellis Jones. Successful people tend to be successful no matter where they go to school, and lower-tier schools can have alumni networks just as strong as their big name counterparts. In fact, lower-tier school alumni networks are arguably stronger, because fellow alumni recognize that you didn't necessarily have an easy path to follow. They might be more willing to offer career help, because your less famous school denotes that, like them, you are also full of energy and perseverance.

[J]段提到,成功人士无论在哪里上学都会取得成功,而低层次大学也可以拥有和名校对手一样强大 定位句前半句表明成功人士不管是读名校还是普通院校都会取得成功。由 big name counterparts 干中的 Modest institutions对应原文中的 lower- tier schools,故答案为J)。

37. The money the author made in high school helped pay for her living expenses and books at college.

(译文)作者在高中时赚的钱帮她 支付了大学的生活费和书本费

(定位)由题干关键词 money ... made in high school Ful living expenses and books定位到[G]段 画线处。

G) I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery-funded scholarship called HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally). When I started college, the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Living costs and books I paid for with money earned during high school, supplemented by a small college fund my deceased grandfather left for me and a modest savings account my parents created when I was born.

[G]段最后一句提到作者用高中时赚到的钱支付生活费和书本费,已故祖父留给她的一小笔大学基 生时父母开设的一个普通存储账户作为补充。题干中的 money… made in high school对应原文中 的 money earmed during high school; living expenses and books对应原文中的 Living costs and books,故答案为G)。

38. The author came to see how costly college education could be when she was trying to choose a university to attend.

(译文)当作者试图 选择一所大学就读时 她开始明白大学教育 有多贵。

(定位)由题干关键 词 came to see、 costly 和 college education定 位到[C]段画线处。

C) In reflection, my firm belief in the power of the brand was naive, not to mention a bit snobby. I quickly passed over state schools and southern schools, believing their curriculums to be automatically inferior to northeastern or western counterparts. Instead, I dreamed of living in New York City and my parents obliged me with a visit to New York University's (NYU) campus. During the tour, tuition fees were discussed. (NYU is consistently ranked one of the country's most expensive schools, with room and board costs totaling upwards of $ 64,000 a year.) Up until then, I hadn't truly realized just how expensive an education can be. Over the next few months, I realized not only could I not afford my dream school, I couldn't even afford the ones where I'd been accepted. City University of New York (CUNY), Rutgers University, and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama, where I would have to pay out-of-state fees. Further complicating my college search was a flourishing track career—I wanted to keep running but my times weren't quite fast enough to secure a scholarship.

(详解)[C]段画线部分提到:直到那时,我才真正意识到教育是多么昂贵。根据上下文可知,定位句中的 then指代作者高三择校时,题干中的 came to see对应原文中的 realized; costly对应原文中的 expensive,故答案为C)。

39. A recent study found that a graduate's salary is determined by their potential, not the university they attended.

(译文)最近一项研究发现,毕业生的薪水 取决于他们的潜力,而不是他们上的大学。

(定位)由题干关键词 A recent study.、a graduate,s salary和 potential定位到[K]段 画线处。

K) The Washington Post reported on a recent study by Princeton economists, in which college graduates who applied to the most selective schools in the 12th grade were compared to those who applied to slightly less selective schools. They found that students with more potential earned more as adults, and the reverse held true as well, no matter where they went to school.

详解(K]段提到,《华盛顿邮报》报道了普林斯顿大学经济学家最近的一项研究,在该研究中,将那些在十 年级申请高选择性院校的大学毕业生与那些申请选择性略低院校的大学毕业生进行了对比。他们发现潜 更大的学生在成年时赚的钱更多,反之亦然,无论他们去哪里上学。题干中的 a graduate' s salary对应原文 as adults; not the university they attended对应原文中的 no matter where they went to school,故答案为K)。

40. The author cannot recall for sure what made certain top universities appear a lot better.

(译文)作者记不清是什么让某些顶 尖大学显得好许多。

(定位)由题干关键词 cannot recall for sure、top universities以及 appear a lot better定位到[B]段画线处。

B) Looking back now, nine years later, I can't remember exactly what it was about these universities that made them seem so much better. Was it a curriculum that appeared more rigorous, perhaps? Or an alumni network that I hoped would open doors down the line? Maybe. "I do think there are advantages to schools with more recognition," notes Marybeth Gasman, a professor of higher education at the University of Pennsylvania. "I don't necessarily think that's a reason to go to one."

(详解)[B]段第一句提到,如今回想起来,作者记不清这些大学的哪一点令它们看起来好许多。由上下文 可知,定位句中的 these universities指代上一段最后一句中的 I top school题干中的 cannot recall for sure对 应原文中的 can t remember exactly; appear a lot better对应原文中的 seem so much better,故答案为B)。

41. None of the author's job interviewers cared which college she went to.

(译文)没有一个职位面试官关心 作者上过哪所大学。

定位由题干关键词 None of... job interviewers Fu which colle she went to定位到[H]段画线处。

H) So what about all that name recognition? Sure, many of my colleagues and competitors have more glamorous alma maters (母校) than I do. As a journalist, I have competed against NYU, Columbia, and Northeastern graduates for jobs. And yet, not a single interviewer has ever asked me about my educational background. In fact, almost every interview I've ever had was due to a connection—one that I've gained through pure determination, not a school brand.

(详解)[H]段提到,没有一位面试官曾问过作者的教育背景。题干中的 None of. job interviewers对应原 文中的 not a single interviewer; cared对应原文中的 asked; which college she went to对应原文中的my educational background,故答案为H)。

42. The author thinks she did the right thing in choosing a less prestigious university.

(译文)作者认为她选择了一所不那么有 名的大学是正确的。

(定位)由题干关键词 did the right thing 和 choosing a less prestigious university定 位到[N]段画线处。

N) Maybe students who choose less prestigious universities are bound to succeed because they are determined to. I tend to think so. In any case, if I could do it again, I'd still make the same choice. Today I'm debt-free, resourceful—and I understand that even the shiniest packaging can't predict what you'll find on the inside.

(详解)[N]段提到,无论如何,如果能再来一次,作者还是会做出同样的选择。由上下文可知,定位句中的 ke the same choice指代段首的 choose less prestigious universities,做出同样的选择”表明作者认为自 己做出的选择是正确的,故答案为N)。

43. In order to be admitted to a prestigious university, the author took part in various extracurricular activities and attended test preparation courses.

(译文)为了考上名牌大学,作者参加了各 种课外活动,还去上了备考课程

(定位)由题干关键词 be admitted to a prestigious universities、various extracur-ricular activities 和 test preparation course 定位到[A]段画线处。

A) As a high school junior, everything in my life revolved around getting into the right college. I diligently attended my SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement test preparation courses. I juggled (尽力应付) cross-country and track schedules, newspaper staff, and my church's youth group and drama team. I didn't drink, party, or even do much dating. The right college, I thought, was one with prestige, one with a name. It didn't have to be the Ivy League, but it needed to be a "top school."

(详解)A段前三句提到,作为一名高三的学生,作者生活中的每一件事都围绕着进入合适的大学而展开。 她努力参加学术水平测验考试、美国大学入学考试和美国大学预修课程考试的备考课程,并尽量兼顾越野赛 和田径日程表、报社打工以及她的教堂少年班和戏剧队。由此可知,作者为了考上合适的大学,参加了备考课 程和各种课外活动。该段第五句则指出作者认为合适的大学是一所有声望的大学,一所有名的大学。题干中 的 be admitted to a prestigious university对应原文中的 getting into the right college; various extracurricular g-country and track schedules, newspaper staff, and my church's youth group and drama team,故答案为A)。

44. The author liked her university which was not prestigious but less expensive.

(译文)作者喜欢她的大学,虽 然不是很有声望,但学费不贵

(定位)由题干关键词liked her University、not prestigious 和 less expensive定位到[E]段 画线处

E) While it may have been practical, it wasn't prestigious. But here's the thing: I loved my "lower-tier" (低层次的) university. (I use the term "low-tier" cautiously, because GSU is a well-regarded research institution that attracts high quality professors and faculty from all over the country.) We are taught to believe that only by going to the best schools and getting the best grades can we escape the rat race and build a better future. But what if lower-tier colleges and universities were the ticket to escaping the rat race? After all, where else can you leave school with a decent degree—but without a lifetime of debt?

(详解)[E]段前两句提到,虽然这所大学可能非常务实,但它并不具有声望。但事实上,作者很爱她的“低 层次的”大学。题干中的ked对应原文中的loed: less expensive对应原文中的 practical,故答案为E)。

45. Colleges are reluctant to admit that graduates today are in heavier debt.

(译文)大学不愿意承认现在的毕 业生负债更多。

(定位)由题干关键词 reluctant to admit和 in heavier debt定位到[I] 段画线处。

I) According to The Boston Globe, students who earned their bachelor's in 2012 have an average monthly loan payment of $312, which is one-third more than those who graduated in 2004. Ultimately, that's the thing universities don't want to admit. Private universities are money-making institutions. If you can afford to buy prestige, that's your choice. For the rest of us, however, our hearty lower-tiered universities are just fine, thank you.

(详解) I)段前两句提到,据《波士顿环球报》报道,2012年获得学士学位的学生每月平均贷款为312美元,比 2004年的毕业生高出三分之一。基本上,这是大学不想承认的一点。由第一句可知,2012年的大学毕业生比 200年的大学毕业生负债更多。题干中的 reluctant to admit对应原文中的 don't want to admit,故答案为I)。