

A)每个月总有几次,你可以在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩的拉尔夫市场的过道里找到一位医生,身穿白大 褂,帮助人们了解食物。最近的一天,这位医生是丹尼尔·纳多,他正与艾利森·斯科特漫步于谷物通道,给她 提出一些关于如何喂养那些执意不肯吃任何健康食物的孩子的建议。“你有没有想过早上尝试新鲜的果汁?”他 问道。“冷冻的橘子和苹果会便宜一点儿,而且水果对大脑真的有好处。(39)准备果汁挺快、挺简单的;你可 在前一天晚上把冷冻的水果拿出来,为第二天早上做准备。”

B) (37)斯科特很高兴从一位医生那里获得食物方面的建议,这位医生是附近的玛丽和迪克·艾伦糖尿病中 心的项主任,而该中心是圣约基夫·雀格健康联盟的一部分,该中心的“和你的医生一起购物”预目把医生 派到杂货店与任何报名参加这项服务的患者以及碰巧在周围的遇到回题的其他任何购物者会面。

C) 纳多注意到斯科特的购物车里放了几盒现成的干酷酱通心粉,于是建议她换成全谷物通心粉和真奶酪 (42)“所以这是要我自己做吗?”她问道,一想到这可能需要多长时间,而只是为了让孩子们拒绝,她的热情就消 失了。“我不确定他们会吃。他们就是不吃。

D) 纳多说糖和加工食品是导致儿童糖原病发病率上升的主要因素。(30)“在美国,我们超过50%的食品 都是加工食品,”纳多告诉她。“我们只有5%的食物是以植物为基础的。我认为我们应该努力改变这一点。斯 科特同意为孩子们尝试做更多的果汁,并制作真正的干酷酱通心粉。医生得了一分,糖原病零分。

E) 纳多是加州各地正在发生的一场小变革的一部分。(44)食物即药物运动已经存在了几十年,但随着医 生和医疗机构不再仅仅依靠药物,而是将食物作为治疗的正式部分,这项运动正在取得进展。通过开出调整营 养成分的处方或启动“和你的医生一起购物”之类的项目,他们正试图通过改变患者的饮食来预防、限制或者甚 至逆转疾病。纳多说:“毫无疑问,人们可以通过食物选择,在扭转糖尿病、扭转高血压,甚至预防癌症方面取得 很大的进展。

F) 圣约瑟夫·霍格健康公司首席执行官兼董事长理查德,阿费伯博士说,从大局来看,整个州的医疗机构 正在开始泰然地转变成一个健康组织,而不仅仅是一个医疗保健组织。这种感觉与扎克伯格旧全山综合医院的 治疗食品储藏宝计划的信念相呼应,该计划已完成其试验阶段,并将继续扩展到全市的五家诊所。(41)该计划 将为患者提供几袋针对其病情的处方食物以及如何烹任的强化培训。“我们真的想把食物和药物联系起来,而不 仅仅是送人食物,该医院健康食品倡议计划的医疗主任瑞塔·纽伦医生说。“我们希望人们了解他们正在吃什 么,如何准备食物,以及食物在他们生活中扮演的角色。

G) 在南加州,洛玛·琳达大学医学院正在为其生活方式医学专业(这是使用食物来治疗疾病的一个正式专 业)的住院医师提供专门的培训。(38)研究结果越来越多地显示出食物治疗或逆转疾病的力量,但这并不意味 着仅仅依靠饮食就能永远解决问题,也不意味着每一种疾病都能从饮食改变中大受禅益。(45)尽管如此,医生 们表示,他们关注的是集体数据,并且现在出现了清晰的图景:美国人饮食中的盐、糖、脂肪和加工食品导致了本 国肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病的高发病率。根据世界卫生组织的数据,80%的心脏病和中风死亡都是由高血压、吸 烟、胆国醇升高以及水果和蔬莱摄入量低造成的。

H) “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的 布伦达·雷亚博士说。生活方式医学专业旨在通过在某种程度上改变患者的营养习惯来培训医生如何预防和 治疗疾病。洛玛·琳达的医疗中心和学院也有一个供患者使用的食品柜和厨房。这样,患者不仅能了解要买哪 些食物,还能了解如何在家准备。

I) 雷亚说,许多人都不知道如何做饭,他们只知道如何加热。那意味着他们依赖含盐量和含糖量高的包装 食品。(40)因此,教给人们哪些食物是健康的以及该如何准备它们实际上可以改变患者的生活,她说。除此之 外,它可能会改变患者家属的健康和生活。“人们吃的东西可能是药,也可能是毒药,”雷亚说。“作为一名医生 营养是你可以改变的最强大的东西之一,可以逆转长期疾病的影响。

J) 例如,已有研究挖掘了证据,证明饮食变化会减缓炎症或使身体不适合癌细胞。(43)一般说来,许多生 方式医学专业的医生建议以植物为基础的饮食————特别是糖尽病或其他炎症性疾病患者。

K) “就像烟草方面所发生的那样,这将需要文化的转变,但这种情况可能会发生,”纽伦说。“就像医生过 去吸烟,后来不再吸了,并能够与患者谈论它一样,我认为医生可以在其中有更大的发言权。”


36. More than half of the food Americans eat is factory-produced.

(译文)美国人吃的食物中有一半以 上是工厂生产的。

(定位)由题干中的 more than half、 Americans和 factory-produced定位到 文章D)段画线处。

D) Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children. "In America, over 50 percent of our food is processed food," Nadeau tells her. "And only 5 percent of our food is plant-based food. I think we should try to reverse that." Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese. Score one point for the doctor, zero for diabetes. 

(详解) D)段定位句提到,在美国,超过%的食品都是加工食品,题于中的 more than half of the food 对 应原文中的 over 50 percent of our food,题干中的 factory-produced是对原文中 processed food 的同义转述 故答案为D)。

37. There is a special program that assigns doctors to give advice to shoppers in food stores.

(译文)有一个指派医生为食品店的购 物者提供建议的特别项目。

(定位)由题干中的 program、 assigns doctors和 give advice to shoppers定位 到 B)段。

B) Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center, part of the St. Joseph Hoag Health alliance. The center's 'Shop with Your Doc' program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions. 

(详解) 文章B)段首句提到,斯科特很高兴从一位医生那里获得食物方面的建议。接着后一句提到,玛丽和 迪克·艾伦糖尿病中心的‘和你的医生一起购物’项目把医生派到杂货店,与任何报名参加这项服务的患者以 及碰巧在周围的遇到问题的其他任何购物者会面。题干中的 doctors to give advice to是对原文中 get food advice from a physician 的同义转述,题干中的“assigns doctors...in food stores”是对原文中的sends doctors to the grocery store 的同义转述,故答案为B)。

38. There is growing evidence from research that food helps patients recover from various illnesses.

(译文)越来越多的研究证据 表明,食物可以帮助患者从各 种疾病中恢复过来。

(定位)由题干中的 growing evidence from research 和 recover from various illnesses 定位到文章G)段画线处。

G) In Southern California, Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine - that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease. Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse diseases, but that does not mean that diet alone is always the solution, or that every illness can benefit substantially from dietary changes. Nonetheless, physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges: that the salt, sugar, fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation's high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. According to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of deaths from heart disease and stroke are caused by high blood pressure, tobacco use, elevated cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables. 

(详解) G)段定位句提到,研究结果越来越多地显示出食物治疗或逆转疾病的力量。题干中的 there is growing evidence from research是对原文中 research findings increasingly show的同义转述,题干中的food helps patients recover from vanous illnesses是对原文中 the power of food to treat or reverse diseases的 概括归纳,故答案为G)。

39. A healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily.

(译文)可以既快速又轻松 地准备健康的早餐

(定位)由题干中的 be prepared quickly and easily 定位到文章A)段画线处。

A) Several times a month, you can find a doctor in the aisles of Ralph's market in Huntington Beach, California, wearing a white coat and helping people learn about food. On one recent day, this doctor was Daniel Nadeau, wandering the cereal aisle with Allison Scott, giving her some idea on how to feed kids who persistently avoid anything that is healthy. "Have you thought about trying fresh juices in the morning?" he asks her. "The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper, and fruits are really good for the brain. Juices are quick and easy to prepare, you can take the frozen fruit out the night before and have it ready the next morning."

(详解) A)段定位句提到,准备果汁挺快、挺简单的;你可以在前一天晚上把冷冻的水果拿出来,为第二天早 上做准备。题干中的 be prepared quickly and easily.是对原文中 are quick and easy to prepare的同义转述,故答案为A)。

40. Training a patient to prepare healthy food can change their life.

(译文)训练患者准备健康的食物时可以改 变他们的生活。

(定位)由题干中的 training a patient to prepare healthy food 和 change their life定位到文章I)段 线处。

I) Many people don't know how to cook, Rea says, and they only know how to heat things up. That means depending on packaged food with high salt and sugar content. So teaching people about which foods are healthy and how to prepare them, she says, can actually transform a patient's life. And beyond that, it might transform the health and lives of that patient's family. "What people eat can be medicine or poison," Rea says. "As a physician, nutrition is one of the most powerful things you can change to reverse the effects of long-term disease." 

(详解) I)段定位句提到,教给人们哪些食物是健康的以及该如何准备它们实际上可以改变患者的生活。题 中的 training a patient to prepare healthy food是对原文中 teaching people about which foods are healthy and how to prepare then的概括归纳,题干中的 change their life是对原文中 transform a patient's life的同义 转述,故答案为I)。

41. One food-as-medicine program not only prescribes food for treatment but teaches patients how to cook it.

(译文)一个食物即药物计划不 仅开出治疗的食品的处方,还教给 患者如何烹饪。

(定位)由题干中的 program、 prescribes food for treatment 和 how to cook it 定位到 F)段画 线处。

F) In the big picture, says Dr. Richard Afable, CEO and president of ST. Joseph Hoag Health, medical institutions across the state are starting to make a philosophical switch to becoming a health organization, not just a health care organization. That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city. The program will offer patients several bags of food prescribed for their condition, along with intensive training in how to cook it. "We really want to link food and medicine, and not just give away food," says Dr. Rita Nguyen, the hospital's medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives. "We want people to understand what they're eating, how to prepare it, the role food plays in their lives." 

(详解) F)段定位句提到,该计划将为患者提供几袋针对其病情的处方食物以及如何烹饪的强化培训。题 escnbes food for treatment是对原文中 food prescribed for their condition的同义转述,题干中的 ents how to cook it是对原文中 intensive training in how to cook it的同义转述,故答案为F)。

42. Scott is not keen on cooking food herself, thinking it would simply be a waste of time.

(译文)斯科特并不热衷于自己做饭,认 为这只是浪费时间。

(定位)由题干中的 Scott is not keen on 和 a waste of time定位到文章C)段画 线处。

C) Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni(通心粉)-and-cheese boxes in Scott's shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese. "So I'd have to make it? "she asks, her enthusiasm fading at the thought of how long that might take, just to have her kids reject it. "I'm not sure they'd eat it. They just won't eat it." 

(详解) C)段定位句提到,斯科特问是不是要自己动手做饭,一想到这可能需要多长时间,而只是为了让孩 子们拒绝,她的热情就消失了。由此可知,斯科特并不热衷于自己做饭,认为做饭既耗费时间,同时孩子们也 会拒绝吃。题干中的 is not keen on是对原文中 her enthusiasm fading的同义转述,题于中的 sImply be a waste of time是对原文中 at the thought of how long that might take, just to have her kids reject it的概括归 纳,故答案为C)。

43. Diabetes patients are advised to eat more plant-based food.

(译文)糖尿病患者被建议多吃以植物为基础的 食物。

(定位)由题干中的 diabetes patients、 advised和 plant-based food定位到文章J)段画线处。

J) Studies have explored evidence that dietary changes can slow inflammation(炎症), for example, or make the body inhospitable to cancer cells. In general, many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based diet - particularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions.

(详解) J)段定位句提到,一般说来,许多生活方式医学专业的医生建议以植物为基础的饮食一特别是糖 尿病或其他炎症性疾病患者。题干中的 are advised to eat more plant-based food是对原文中 recommend a plant——based diet——particularly for people with diabetes的同义转述,故答案为J)。

44. Using food as medicine is no novel idea, but the movement is making headway these days.

(译文)用食物作为药物并非新 奇的想法,但近来这一运动正在取 得进展。

(定位)由题干中的 using food as medicine 和 making headway 定位到文章E)段画线处。

E) Nadeau is part of a small revolution developing across California. The food-as-medicine movement has been around for decades, but it's making progress as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment, rather than relying solely on medications(药物). By prescribing nutritional changes or launching programs such as 'Shop with your Doc', they are trying to prevent, limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat. "There's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes, reversing high blood pressure, even preventing cancer by food choices," Nadeau says. 

(详解) E)段定位句提到,食物即药物运动已经存在了几十年,但随着医生和医疗机构不再仅仅依靠药 而是将食物作为治疗的正式部分,这项运动正在取得进展。题干中的 using food as medicine is no novel ide 是对原文中 the food-as- medicine movement has been around for decades的同义转述,题干中的 making headway是对原文中 making progress的同义转述,故答案为E)。

45. Americans’ high rates of various illnesses result from the way they eat.

(译文)美国人各种疾病 的高发病率是由他们的饮 食方式造成的。

(定位)由题干中的high rates of various illnesses 和 the way they eat定位 ontribute to the nation's 文章G)段画线处。

G) In Southern California, Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine - that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease. Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse diseases, but that does not mean that diet alone is always the solution, or that every illness can benefit substantially from dietary changes. Nonetheless, physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges: that the salt, sugar, fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation's high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. According to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of deaths from heart disease and stroke are caused by high blood pressure, tobacco use, elevated cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables. 

(详解)G)段定位句提到,美国人饮食中的盐、糖、脂肪和加工食品导致了本国肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病的高发 病率。题干中的 various illnesses.是对原文中 obesity, diabetes and heart disease的概括归纳,题干中的 It from the way they eat是对原文中 the salt, sugar, fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to的概括归纳,故答案为G)。