
Because of the rapid development of communication network, the number of smartphone users in China has increased at an astonishing rate in recent years, which has significantly changed the way many people read. Nowadays they often read news and articles on smartphones instead of buying traditional newspaper and periodicals. The development of numerous mobile apps has enabled people to read novels and other forms of literary works on their mobile phones. Therefore, the sales of paper books have been affected. But surveys show that though smartphone reading market has grown steadily, over half of adults still enjoy reading paper books.


1.翻译第一句时,注意“以惊人速度增长”有多种表达方式,可译为 increase at a(n) phenomenal/remarkable/ astonishing rate,也可译为 grow with surprising rapidity。

2.第二句较短,且与第一句逻辑关系紧密,可处理为which引导的非限制性定语从句,与第一句合译为一句。句 中的“极大地改变了”既可以直接译为 has greatly/ enormously/ significantly changed,也可以译为 has made major changed to。

3.翻译第三句时,“而不“可译为 instead of 或 rather than;“报刊”是报纸和期刊的总称,因此应译为 newspapers and periodicals。

4.翻译第四句时,可以按照汉语的语法成分逐字翻译,将“大量移动应用程序的开发”译为主语,即the development of number mobile apps。此句也可打破汉语的限制,将“大量移动应用程序”译文主语,即“ A large number of mobile apps has been developed so that people can read novels and other forms of literature on their mobile phones."。 ”

5.翻译最后一句时,“稳步增长“可用 grow steadily来表达,也可将其转化为名词形式,译为 in a state of steady growth。