
这是四级考试中常见的议论文考试形式。此次话题“生活在大城市的挑战“是一个相对比较熟悉的话题,因 此写起来并不难。考生可以利用常见的议论文三段式行文结构写作:第一段引出话题;然后将重点放在第二段 具体阐述存在哪些挑战上;最后第三段总结全文,或者呼应开头。


一、引出话题:随着经济和城市化( urbanization)的发展,大城市数量不断增加( constantly increasing),带来诸 多挑战。


1.上下班高峰时段的交通拥堵问题( the traffic congestion during rush hours)。

2.人口众多( the large population)造成到处都很拥挤,很难找到安静之所( can hardly find a peaceful place)。

3.城市人口众多加剧了优质医疗和教育资源的短缺( intensifies the inadequacy of high-quality medical and educational resources),降 低了幸福感。




The Challenges of Living in a Big City

(1) With the development of economy and urbanization, the number of big cities is constantly increasing in China. (2) While big cities are attracting more and more people, they also bring many challenges, such as traffic jam and pollution, just to name a few

(3) The first problem that really bothers me is the traffic congestion during rush hours. I hate waiting for buses and being late for school or work. (4)The next problem is that the large population in big cities makes them so crowded that we can hardly find a peaceful place unless staying at home. Supermarkets are always crowded, so are cinemas and parks. (5)Another consequence of the large population is that it intensifies the inadequacy of high-quality medical and educational resources, thus decreasing residents'sense of happiness.

(6) As a result, although I am frequently asked whether I like to live in a big city or not, my answer is always"no, definitely not. What about you?



(2)欲抑先扬,指出大城市吸引越来越多的人,但也 带来诸多挑战。

(3)、(4)、(5)分别使用“ The first problem that really bothers me is...”“ The next problem is that.. “Another consequence of the large population is that.”具体阐述在大城市生活面临的挑战。

(6)用 as a result总结全文,再次重申自己的观点, 并以问句结尾,增强互动性。


urbanization 城市化

constantly 不断地

traffic jam 交通拥堵

just to name a few 仅举几例

bother 烦扰,打扰

intensify 加剧

adequacy 不充分,不足

resident 居民



随着经济和城市化的发展,中国大城市的数量在不断增加。尽管大城市正吸引着越来越多的人,但它们也 带来了诸多挑战,比如交通拥堵和污染问题,仅举几例。

困扰我的首要问题是上下班高峰时段的交通拥堵。我讨厌等公交车,也讨厌上学或上班迟到。第二个问题 是大城市人口众多,使城市非常拥挤,以至于我们除非待在家里,否则很难找到一个安静之所。超市人满为患、 电影院和公园也是如此。众多的人口带来的另一个后果是它加剧了优质医疗和教育资源的匮乏,从而降低了居 民的幸福感。




unsatisfactory 令人不满意的

opportunity 机会

pressure 压力

environment 环境

health 健康

leisure 空闲,业余时间

fast pace 快节奏

lifestyle 生活方式

urban 城市的

second-tier city 二线城市


1. It is undeniable that there exists... in big cities, which is so... that no one can escape from it.毋庸置疑,大 城市存在...问题,这个问题如此……以至于无人能够逃避。

2. A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities where there are a lot of job opportunities, such as 许多毕业生喜欢在大城市工作,因为这里有很多工作 机会,比如...