
A) 巴黎繁华的街道凹凸不平而又泥泞不堪,然而和平街面包店的窗内总会上演令人惊叹的一幕。(42)到 1814年时人们会挤在面包店外,争着瞧一眼在里面上班的一位年轻厨师创作的最新甜食。

B) 他的名字叫马利-安东尼·卡莱姆而他几乎是某一天突然不知从哪儿冒出来的一号人物(45)但是在 他短暂的一生中————现在看来正好是184年前了,他彻底地变革了法国美食,写了很多畅销的烹饪书,并为王室 和其他重要人物发明了一道道传奇的菜肴。

C) 卡菜姆的童年一半悲惨,一半神秘。1789年1781年间,作为家里的第16个孩子的他出生于巴黎一个 贫穷的家庭,小卡莱姆在法国大革命正如火如茶地进行的时候突然被遗弃了。8岁的他开始在巴黎的一家餐馆 里帮厨来换取食宿。(39)到了15岁时,他已经成为西尔万·贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的街 区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。

D) 卡莱姆在厨房学得很快。贝利鼓励他这个小学徒学习阅读和写作。(41)卡菜姆经常在下午有空的时 候泡在附近的国家图书馆里读一些有关艺术和建筑的书籍。在这家小面包店的后厨,他结合设计的兴趣和烘培 的天赋创造出了奇迹一一他用面粉、黄油和糖塑造出了美味的杰作。

E) 在他十几岁的时候,卡菜姆给18世纪后期最有名的建筑做出了可以吃的副本一一古希腊废墟形状的甜 饼,还有古代中国宫殿和寺庙形状的馅饼。(40)他的师傅西尔万·贝利把这些常常有4英尺高的华丽作品展示 在他的面包店的橱窗里。

F) (38)不久卡莱姆的创作就引起了一位眼光犀利的法国外交官的注意,他就是查尔斯·莫里斯·热·塔 利朗佩里戈尔德。在1804年前后,塔利朗向十莱姆提出了一份挑战,为他的个人城堡制作一份完整的菜单,并 且让这个年轻的烘焙师必须使用本地的当季水果和蔬莱,而且还要求一整年的主莱都不能重复,这一尝试取得 了巨大成功,而塔利朗与法国贵族的人脉圈也令卡莱姆收益颇丰。

G) 据说法国皇帝拿破仑·波拿巴对18世纪早期越来越差的烹饪也提不起兴趣,但是在招待巴黎上流社会 的压力下,他也召了卡菜姆来到他的杜伊勒里宫厨房。1810年,卡菜姆为拿破仑和他来自奥地利的第二任夫人 玛丽·路易斯的婚礼设计了一款特别的蛋糕。(36)他成为第一批不只关注菜肴味道,而且关注莱品外观的现 代厨师中的一位。“我想要秩序和味道兼顾。在我眼中,一道摆设俱佳的菜的档次提高了一倍,”后来他在他的 烹饪书中写道。

H) 1816年,卡莱姆开始了他的烹饪之旅,这也彻底莫定了他作为历史上第一大厨的地位。他远渡英国到摄 政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做莱,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。(43)从不畏惧大肆 赞扬他自己的成就,自负的卡莱姆的确发了一大笔财,因为一些有社会野心的富裕家庭会邀请他去他们的厨房。 后来,在他的书中,他常常会放上一张自己的画像,这样一来,走在大街上人们就能认出并称赞他了。

D) 卡莱姆的烹饪展示成为精致的法式餐饮的标志:丰盛、漂亮而华丽。当仆人们将卡莱姆精心设计的作品 端进餐厅时,顾客会在惊奇中安静下来。1817年1月18日,在庆祝俄国大公尼古拉斯访问乔治四世的布莱顿展 馆的宴会上,菜单上有120道特色菜,着重推出了8道不同的汤、40道主菜和32道甜品。

J) 就在他穿梭于19世纪贵族家庭的过程中,卡菜姆开创了法国美食的新艺术。将自己锁在热厨房里 卡菜姆创造出了他的四大“母酱”。这些酱汁包括奶油汁、浓汤、西班牙酱和阿勒曼德酱,成为许多法国主菜的核 心构成要素。他还改良了舒芙蕾蛋奶酥————一道烘焙鸡蛋的甜点,并且引入了标准厨师制服——今天很多厨师 仍然在穿戴同款的双排纽扣白大衣和很高的白色帽子。据卡莱姆称,这种白色的服装展示出一种干净的形象, 毕竟在他的领域,外观就是一切。

K) 在做菜之余,卡莱姆写的烹饪书在下个世纪的欧洲厨房仍然被使用。(44)他所写的包括《皇家巴黎面 包师》和宏伟的五卷巨著《法国烹任艺术系列》(183-1847,在他死后完成)在内的烹饪指南首次将很多烹饪的 基本原理系统化,并且书中还配有插图和每一步的操作指南。早在电视烹饪节目出现之前,卡菜姆就通过常见 的厨房任务面向读者,指导他们“自己在家尝试”,正如很多年后著名的美国大厨莱莉亚·查尔德所做的一样。

L) 然而最终,卡菜姆身处的地方毕竟是厨房。几十年与煤火近距离共事,密闭的空间里极少的新鲜空气 (为了保证他的菜不会凉掉)已经严重损坏了他的肺部。183年1月12日,卡莱姆在他即将年满50岁时去 世了。

M) 但是在他的一生中,卡菜姆一直相信他能够不只短暂地主导厨房。(37)他想要“为经典和现代烹饪美 学设立标准,并向久远的未来证明,19世纪的法国厨师是世界上最有名的,“他在文章中这样写道。

N)几十年之后,厨师奥古斯特·埃斯科菲会在卡菜姆的法国烹饪概念上继续前行。但是在最初,只有卡莱姆 这个一流大厨将餐饮提升到艺术高度。


36. Careme was among the first chefs who stressed both the appearance and flavor of dishes.

(译文)卡莱姆是第一批同时注 重菜肴外观和味道的厨师。

(定位)由题干中的 the appearance and favor定位到文章 G)段画线处。

G) French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was known to be unimpressed by the declining taste of early 18th century cooking, but under pressure to entertain Paris's high society. he too called Careme to his kitchen at Tuileries Palace. In 1810, Careme designed the extraordinary cake for the wedding of Napoleon and his second bride, Marie-Louise of Austria. He became one of the first modern chefs to focus on the appearance of his table, not just the flavor of his dishes. "I want order and taste. A well-displayed meal is enhanced one hundred percent in my eyes, "he later wrote in one of his cook books.

(详解)定位句提到,卡莱姆成为第一批不只关注菜肴味道,而且关注菜品外观的现代厨师中的一位。题干 中的 stressed both the appearance and flavor of dishes对应原文中的 focus on the appearance of his table, not just the flavor of his dishes,故答案为G)。

37. Careme wanted to show to later generations that French chefs of his time were most outstanding in the world.

(译文)卡莱姆想向后辈们表明,他所处 时期的法国厨师在世界上是最出色的

定位由题干中的 French chef 和 in the world定位到文章M)段画线处。

M) But in his lifetime, Careme, ever confident, could see beyond his short domination in the kitchen. He wanted to "set the standard for beauty in classical and modern cooking, and prove to the distant future that the French chefs of the 19th century were the most famous in the world," as he wrote in his papers.

(详解)定位句指出,卡菜姆想要“为经典和现代烹任美学设立标准,并向久远的未来证明,19世纪的法国厨 师是世界上最有名的”。题干中的 later generations对应原文中的 the distant future; of his time对应原文中 的 of the 19th century; most outstanding 对应原文中的 most famous,故答案为M)。

38. Careme benefited greatly from serving a French diplomat and his connections.


(b定位由题干中的 a French diplomat和 connections定位到文 章F)段。

F) Careme's creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord. Around 1804, Talleyrand challenged Careme to produce a full menu for his personal castle, instructing the young baker to use local, seasonal fruits and vegetables and to avoid repeating main dishes over the course of an entire year. The experiment was a grand success and Talleyrand's association with French nobility would prove a profitable connection for Careme.

(详解)定位段指出卡莱姆为一位法国外交官塔利朗服务,为他的个人城堡制作一份完整的菜单。卡莱姆取 得了巨大成功,同时塔利朗与法国贵族的人脉圈也令卡莱姆收益颇丰。由此可知,卡莱姆为一位法国外交官 服务,从他的人脉圈中收益颇丰。题干是对该段的总结。题于中的 benefited 是对原文中 profitable connection的同义转述,故答案为F)。

39. Careme learned his trade from a famous dessert chef in Paris.

(译文)卡菜姆行业入门时师从 巴黎一位著名的甜点师。

(定位)由题干中的 dessert chef 定位到文章C)段画线处。

C) Careme's childhood was one part tragedy, equal part mystery. Born the 16th child to poor parents in Paris in either 1783 or 1784, a young Careme was suddenly abandoned at the height of the French Revolution. At 8 years old, he worked as a kitchen boy for a restaurant in Paris in exchange for room and board. By age 15, he had become an apprentice(学徒) to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris's most fashionable neighborhoods.

(详解)定位句提到,到了15岁时,卡莱姆已经成为西尔万,贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的 街区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。题干中的 learned his trade from是对原文中 become apprentice to的同义转述; a famous dessert chef in Paris指的是 Sylvain Bailly,故答案为C)。

40. Careme's creative works were exhibited in the shop windows by his master.

(译文)卡莱姆的创意作品被他的师傅 展示在店面的橱窗里

(定位)由题干中的 the shop windows 和 his master定位到文章E)段画线处。

E) In his teenage years, Careme fashioned eatable copies of the late 18th century's most famous buildings————cookies in the shape of ruins of ancient Athens and pies in the shape of ancient Chinese palaces and temples. Sylvain Bailly, his master, displayed these luxuriant creations————often as large as 4 feet tall————in his bakery windows.

(详解)定位句指出,他的师傅西尔万·贝利把这些常常有4英尺高的华丽作品展示在他的面包店的窗 里。题干中的 creative works对应原文中的 these luxuriant creations;题干中的 exhibited对应原文中的 displayed,故答案为E)。

41. Careme's knowledge of art and architecture helped him create extraordinary desserts out of ordinary ingredients.

(译文)卡莱姆对于艺术和建筑的知识帮 助他把平常的原料创作成非凡的甜点。

(定位)由题干中的 art and architecture 定位到文章D)段画线处。

D) Careme was quick at learning in the kitchen. Bailly encouraged his young apprentice to learn to read and write. Careme would often spend his free afternoons at the nearby National Library reading books on art and architecture. In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders-he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.

(详解)定位句提到,卡莱姆经常在下午有空的时候泡在附近的国家图书馆里读一些有关艺术和建筑的书 籍。后来,他用面粉、黄油和糖塑造出了美味的杰作。题干是对本段最后两句的总结。题干中的 create extraordinary desserts和 ordinary ingredients分别对应原文中的 shaped delicious masterpieces和mour tter and sugar,故答案为D)。

42. Many people in Paris were eager to have a look at the latest sweet food made by Careme.

(译文)在巴黎很多人渴望看一眼卡莱姆 制作的最新款甜食。

(定位)由题干中的 the latest sweet food 定位到文章A)段画线处。

A) The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud, but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix. By 1814, people crowded outside the bakery, straining for a glimpse of the latest sweet food created by the young chef who worked inside.

(详解)定位句指出,到1814年时,人们会挤在面包店外,争着瞧一眼在里面上班的一位年轻厨师创作的最 新甜食。题干中的 were eager to have a look at对应原文中的 straining for a glimpse of,故答案为A)。

43. Careme became extremely wealthy by cooking for rich and socially ambitious families.

(译文)卡莱姆通过给富有且 有社会野心的家庭做菜变得极 其富裕。

(定位)由题干中的 socially ambitions 定位到文章H)段画 线出。

H) In 1816, Careme began a culinary (烹饪的) journey which would forever mark his place as history's first top chef. He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent (摄政王), George IV, and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander I of Russia. Never afraid to talk up his own accomplishments, a boastful Careme made a fortune as wealthy families with social ambitions invited him to their kitchens. Later, in his cook books, he would often include a sketch of himself, so that people on the street would be able to recognize——and admire——him.

(详解)定位句提到,从不畏惧大肆赞扬他自己的成就,自负的卡莱姆的确发了一大笔财,因为一些有社会野 心的富裕家庭会邀请他去他们的厨房。题干中的 became extremely wealthy和 rich and socially ambitious families分别对应原文中的 made a fortune和 wealthy families with social ambitions,故答案为H)。

44. Careme's writings dealt with fundamental cooking principles in a systematic way.

(译文)卡莱姆的著作系统地论 述了基本的烹饪原理。

(定位)由题干中的 cooking principles和 systematc定位到文 章K)段画线处。

K) Between meals, Careme wrote cook books that would be used in European kitchens for the next century. His manuals including The Royal Parisian Baker and the massive five-volume Art of French Cooking Series(1833-1847, completed after his death) first systematized many basic principles of cooking, complete with drawings and step-by-step directions. Long before television cooking shows, Careme walked readers through common kitchen tasks, instructing them to "try this for yourself, at home as famous American Chef Julia Child might do, many years later.

(详解)定位句提到,卡莱姆所写的烹饪指南首次将很多烹饪的基本原理系统化,并且书中还配有插图和 步的操作指南。题干中的 fundamental cooking principles和 in a systematic way分别是对原文中 basic inciples of cooking和 systematized的同义转述,故答案为K)。

45. Careme's contribution to French cooking was revolutionary.

(译文)卡莱姆对于法国烹饪做出了 革命性的贡献。

(定位)由题干中的 revolutionary 定位到文章B)段画线处。

B) His name was Marie-Antoine Careme, and he had appeared, one day, almost out of nowhere. But in his short lifetime, which ended exactly 184 years ago today, he would forever revolutionize French gourmet food(美食), write best-selling cook books and think up magical dishes for royals and other important people.

(详解)定位句提到,卡莱姆在他短暂的一生中,彻底地变革了法国美食。题干中的 French cooking和 revolutionary分别对应原文中的 French gourmet food和 revolutionize,故答案为B).