
这是一篇开放式作文,要求考生对“平衡工作和休闲( balance work and leisure)”这一话题进行讨论,是考 生较为熟悉的话题,因此写起来并不难。考生应该将重点放在第二段,着重论述如何平衡二者之间的关系,并给 出自己的建议。最后,阐明工作和休闲两者之间是相辅相成的。


一、描述现象,引出话题:大多数人很难平衡好工作和休闲( difficult for most people, successfully maintain good balance)


1.培养高效的工作习惯( develop efficient working habits)

2.每天安排一件自己感兴趣的事,并留出时间放松( schedule, set aside some time for relaxation)

3.休闲时不必感到内疚( shouldn't feel guilty when you spend time on personal leisure)

三、重申主题:工作和休闲是相辅相成的( complement each other)



How to Balance Work and Leisure (1)Just as the old saying goes, "All work and no play a makes Jack a dull boy. " It illustrates the importance and necessity of keeping a balance between work and leisure (2)However,in today,s fast-paced work culture, it's difficult for most people to successfully maintain a good balance between the two.

(3)As for me, some tips can contribute to achieving the balance. (4)First of all, you should develop efficient working habits, because only in this way can you squeeze out some leisure time. It requires you to devote your full attention to the task at hand and complete daily work efficiently (5)Secondly, in order to relieve the fatigue and stress, it's vital to schedule one thing that you are interested in each day and set aside some time for relaxation.(6)Last but not least, for those workaholics, please keep in mind that if you work hard, you shouldnt feel guilty when you spend time on personal leisure activities, for entertainment is also a part of life.

(7)To conclude, work and leisure complement each other so when you get tired of and bored with your daily grind, try to take some time off work to relax yourself.


(1)开门见山,引用俗语指出平衡好工作和 休闲是重要且必要的。

(2)使用 however进行转折,指出很多人很 难做到这一点。

(3)使用 as for me提出自己的看法。

(4)(5)(6)分别使用 first of all, secondly、last but not least就如何平衡工作和休闲给 出三点建议。

(7)使用 to conclude总结全文,再次重申自 己的观点。


illustrate 说明,阐明

contribute to... 有助于....

devote...to.. . 致力于....

set aside some time 留出一些时间

workaholic 工作狂

daily grind 日常工作,例行苦事



正如那句老话所说:“只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会变傻。”这说明保持工作和休闲的平衡是重要且必要 的。然而,在当今快节奏的工作文化中,大多数人都很难保持这两者之间的平衡。

在我看来,以下建议有助于实现两者的平衡。首先,你应该培养高效的工作习惯,因为只有这样,你才能挤 出一些休闲时间。这就要求你全身心地投入到手头的任务中,高效地完成日常工作。第二,为了缓解疲劳和压 力,每天安排一件你感兴趣的事情并留出时间放松是很重要的。最后但同样重要的是,对那些工作狂而言,请记 住,如果你努力工作了,当你花时间休闲时,就不应该感到内,因为娱乐也是生活的一部分。




deadline 截止时间

conflict 冲突

dilemma 困境

positive 积极的

pnontize 优先处理

realize 认识到

be caught up in.. 被卷入...

to the fullest 充分地,全面地

apply to… 对……适用


1. One key to resolving these seemingly conflicting challenges is to get clear about.

解决这些看似矛盾的挑战的一个关键 是弄清楚......

2. No matter how good things are in other parts of your life. is a major part of your life, and cannot be neglected.

无论你生活的其他方面有多么美好,……是你生活的一个主要 部分,不能被忽视。