
本篇话题是“如何平衡学业和课外活动”,这与考生的学习生活密切相关。在具体行文方面,考生可以开篇 引出话题然后针对这一问题提出自己的建议;最后总结全文,重述论点或升华主题。


一、引出话题:适当地参加课外活动不仅能促进学习,而且能提高综合能力(promote academic study、enhance our overall abilities)


1. 合理安排课业并有效地完成(schedule our schoolwork reasonably and finish it efficiently)

2.只参加我们想参加的活动(only spend time on activities we want to participate in)

3.参加一些俱乐部可以遇到志同道合的人,提升我们的能力(join clubs where we can meet like-minded people and improve our skills)

三、总结全文:通过高效学习及合理安排课外活动真正实现两者的平衡(studying more efficiently、arranging extracurricular activities more rationally)。



How to Balance Academic Study and Extracurricular Activities

(1)Many students and their parents worry that spending time on extracurricular activities will hinder study, which is understandable. (2)But as for me, as long as we can strike a balance between them, proper participation in extracurricular activities will not only promote academic study, but also enhance our overall abilities.

(3)First of all, it's advisable to schedule our schoolwork reasonably and finish it efficiently, for only in this way can we allocate extra time and energy to take part in extracurricular activities and it will have no negative impact on our study.(4)Secondly, we should only spend time on activities we want to participate in, which will bring us enjoyment and relieve learning pressure to some extent.(5)Thirdly, we can also join clubs where we can meet like-minded people and improve our skills in a way that's directly useful for our schoolwork.

(6)In a word, only by studying more efficiently and arranging extracurricular activities more rationally can we achieve a real balance between academic study and extracurricular activities.


(1)开门见山,描述现象:许多学生和家长担心花 时间参加课外活动会妨碍学习。

(2) 使用but as for me转而提出自己的观点并 引出话题:只要平衡好两者之间的关系,适当 地参加课外活动能促进学习,提升综合能力。

(3)(4)(5)分别使用first of all、secondly和thirdly 具体阐明自己对如何平衡学业和课外活动这 问题的建议,条理清晰,层次分明。

(6))使用in a word总结全文,再次重申自己的 观点.


understandable 可以理解的

not only..but also... 不....而且

advisable 明智的,可取的

have no negative impact on... 对....没有负面影响

relieve 缓解,减轻

like-minded 志趣相投的



许多学生和他们的父母担心花时间参加课外活动会妨碍学习,这是可以理解的。但在我看来,只要我们能 在两者之间取得平衡,适当地参加课外活动不仅能促进学习,而且能提高我们的综合能力。

首先,合理安排课业并高效地完成是明智之举,因为只有这样,我们才能分配出额外的时间和精力参加课外 活动,并且不会对我们的学习产生负面影响。其次,应该只将时间花在我们想参加的活动上,因为它们会给我们 带来乐趣,并在一定程度上缓解学习压力。第三,我们也可以参加一些俱乐部,在那里可以遇到志同道合的人, 并会以一种直接对我们的学业有利的方式提升我们的能力。




excessive 过度的

in hot water 陷人困境

under the spotlight 备受关注

disapprove of 不赞同

for the sake of... 为了....

not to mention... 更不用说.....

trigger 引发

transform..to... 把....转换成....

pave the way for... 为....铺平道路


1. The majority of people believe that... will provide them with more opportunities t...,.. which may put them in a favorable position in the future. 大部分人相信,......将会提 供给他们更多的机....并且这会在未来将他们置于有利位置。

2. People are coming to realize the importance of...They have begun to try their best to... We believe that..... 人们开始意识 到.....的重要性。他们已经开始竭力....我们相信......