
本次四级考试要求写新闻报道,着实让不少考生意外。虽然平时我们很少写新闻稿,但是几乎天天 跟新闻打交道,都知道新闻报道的结构为“倒金字塔形”。本题要求写一篇大学生帮助社区老年人的志 愿服务活动的新闻稿,第一段可以简单介绍活动的参与者、发生时间、地点和事件内容;第二段重点对活 动过程及参与者的感受展开详细介绍;最后一段说明活动的效果、意义或者对未来活动的期待。



6月15日,物理学院的部分学生参加了帮助社区老人的志 愿活动,给老人们带去了笑声与欢乐。


社会老龄化使人们更加重视对老年人的照顾和尊重。本 周,志愿者们来到社区,与老人们交流并帮助他们做家务。 老人们都很高兴,并表示感谢。通过引用其中一位志愿者 的话说明活动对于双方的意义。





A Visit to Elderly People Brings Them Satisfaction and Happiness

Some students from School of Physics took part in a volunteer service activity organized by the Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood on June 15,which orings them great laughter and joy.

With the increasing awareness of the aging problems the whole society set out to take better care of and show more respect toward the senior citizens for their life-long dedication and commitment to our society. In response to the call, this weekend a group of volunteers went to the local community to communicate with the old people and help them with some housework. Much delighted with their arrival, the elderly people expressed their sincere thanks for their company and relief. Jannie, one of the volunteers shared her feeling about this experience. "What matters most to these old people is company, and listening attentively is just a good idea," she said.

The president of Student Union said that they would continue to sponsor more meaningful activities like this to serve the society with college students' passion and talents.



6月15日,一些来自物理学院的 学生参加了学生会组织的帮助社区老 人的志愿服务活动,给老人们带去了 笑声与欢乐。

随着人们对老龄化问题的认识日 益加深,整个社会开始着手为老年人 提供更好的照顾,并对他们表现出更 多的尊重,因为他们一生中为社会做 出的奉献。为了响应社会号召,本周 末志愿者们来到当地社区,与老人们 交流并帮助他们做家务。老人们对他 们的到来感到非常高兴,并对他们的 陪伴和宽慰表示真诚的感谢。詹妮是 其中的一位志愿者,她分享了自己对 于这次经历的感受。“对于这些老年 人来说,最重要的就是陪伴,而用心倾 听正是一个好主意,”她说。

学生会主席表示将继续举办更多 类似的有意义的活动,用大学生们的 热情和才能来服务社会。



speech contest 演讲比赛

win the first prize 获得一等奖

encouragement 鼓励

obtain 获得,赢得

feature 特色v.以……为特色

a sale of goods for charity 义卖

initiate 发起,开始实施

Campus Culture Week 校园文化周

social practice activity 社会实践活动

volunteer 志愿者

be willing to do... 愿意干...

neighborhood 社区

helpful 有益的,愿意帮忙的

serve 为…服务;为……效力

harmony 和谐

get in touch with…. 和……联系

devotion 奉献

esponsibility 责任

be supposed to 应该

expectation 期望