
Woman: The name of the TV show we wish to produce is Science Nation.

Man: Please tell us more. What will Science Nation be about?

Woman: (8)It will be about science, all sorts of science. Each episode will focus on a different area of science, and tell us what we know, how we know it, and what we still don't know. The show will have one host only, and this will be Professor Susan Paul from Harvard University. She's a great public speaker.

Man: So, just to be clear, will the show its format be like that of the documentary?

Woman: (9)Kind of. It will be like a documentary in the sense, that it will be non-fiction and fact-based. However, our idea is for it to be also fun and entertaining, something which traditional documentaries aren't so much. Please keep in mind, this will be a new TV show, like nothing ever done before.

Man: Okay, so it will be both educational and entertaining, and (10-1)your audience will be anyone interested in science, right?

Woman: (10-2)That's correct, yes.

Man: Right, thank you. So, I think we're more or less clear what the show will be like. Could you please tell us now, what exactly you want from us?

Woman: Yes, of course. (11)Basically, what we need from you is financial support. In order to go ahead with this idea, we need 2 million dollars. This will cover the cost of making all 12 shows in the first season for the first year. If the show is a success, we can then look at making a second season for the following year.


预览四道题各选项,由 produced、 hosted, episodes、 season以及反复出现的 science可推测,对话内容 与某科学类的电视节目有关。第8题考查该节目的制作情况或主题涵盖的内容;第9题各选项都是比较 级,可能考查该节目与其他同类节目的对比;第10题各选项主语为不同的人群,可能考查该节目的目标观 众;第11题各选项均为动词短语,结合选项语义可推测,本题考查讲话者期望从某处得到的益处。


8. What do we learn about the TV show Science Nation?

C)【精析】 事实细节题。对话中,女士介绍说这个节目是有关科学的,每一集都聚焦于一个不同的科学领域。

9. In what way will the TV show Science Nation differ from traditional documentaries?

C)【精析】 事实细节题。男士问女士这个节目是否和纪录片的形式差不多,女士回答说有相同的地方,但是他们会把节目做得更有趣,更具有娱乐性。

10. Who will be the intended audience of the TV show Science Nation?

A)【精析】 事实细节题。对话中男士问女士这个节目的目标观众是不是任何对科学感兴趣的人,女士给出了肯定回答。

11. What does the woman want the man to do for the TV show?

B)【精析】 事实细节题。对话最后,男士问女士究竟想让他们做什么,女士回答说主要是想获得对方的财务支持,并明确表示需要200万美元。