
A NASA satellite orbiting over Portugal took photographs that reveal the effects of pollution from ships. One of the photos shows a thin film of clouds above the brilliant blue of the North Atlantic, cut by white lines of thicker clouds that look like scars. (1)NASA officials explained those thicker clouds are signs of ship traffic below. When ships power their ways through the ocean, they pump exhaust into the atmosphere, just as cars do. And those massive amounts of particles can cause clouds to form. Get enough of those particles in one place, as from the exhaust of a ship, and they can lead to the creation of new clouds easily visible from space. "These clouds can be huge, some of them stretch hundreds of kilometers from end to end", NSAS officials said. (2)It's likely that these sorts of clouds are having some effect on the global climate, according to NASA officials. But scientists aren't yet sure what effect it has.


预览两道题各选项,由选项中出现的exhaust、particles、emitted、climate可推测,新闻内容与环境和气 候有关。根据第1题选项中的ship trafic、exhaust from cars、 particles等词可推测,本题考查造成环境污 染的因素是什么;根据第2题选项中的seriously、effect、trouble.affecting等词可推测,本题考查环境污染 的影响。


1) What has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by a NASA satellite?

A)。【精析】新闻开头提到,美国宇航局官员解释说这些较厚的云层是大西洋上船舶往来的痕记。当 船舶穿过海洋,它们就像汽车一样将废气排放到大气中,大量的颗粒物便形成了云层。因此答案为A)。

2) What do NASA officials think about the thick clouds?

D)。【精析】新闻末尾提到,美国宇航局官员称,这些云层面积很大,可绵延数百公里,很可能会对全 球气候造成一定的影响。因此答案为D)。