
(2-1)An 81-year-old man ended up in Germany by accident after trying to get from Newcastle, Great Britain, to Rome, Italy. (1) The old age pensioner was on a mission to see the Pope, who is head of the Catholic Church, and decided to make his way there by car. He was surprised when his GPS system told him he had arrived, although there were no signs of any of the famous buildings or architecture. The man parked but didn't put on the handbrake of his car properly. His car rolled backwards, and in a striking display of irony, hit a sign saying “ Rom”--the small town in North Germany he had mistakenly plugged into the GPS system. Police said that the car had come to a halt after hitting the sign, but did not appear to be seriously damaged, although an ambulance was called to check on the pensioner. (2-2) The man, who lives in the UK and is originally Italian, might have been confused by the fact that Rome is written “Roma” in Italian and “Rom” in German.


预览两道题各选项,由选项中出现的 Go、Travel、Tour、car、GPS、place 以及第 2 题中出现的 He 和 His等词可知,新闻内容与某位男士开车去旅行有关。 第1题各选项均以动词原形开头,且宾语均为具体的地点,推测本题可能考查旅行计划。根据第2题选项中的 hospital、ambulance、hit、damaged、out of order、 wrong place 等词可知,本题考查内容可能与某位男士在旅途中遇到的问题有关。


1. What did the old age pensioner plan to do?


2. What finally happened to the old man?
