
Winter in many places is very cold. There is lots of snow around and the ground freezes, which can make life difficult for animals. People in cold places live in warm houses and have learned to adapt. What do animals do? (22) There are three main ways that animals survive the cold in winter: sleep, adapt or migrate.

Some animals, such as bears, frogs and snakes. sleep all winter. They sleep very deeply and need little or no food. While sleeping, their body temperature drops and their heart beat slows down. (23) To prepare for this before winter, these animals eat extra food to become fat, which gives them the energy they need while they sleep.

Other animals adapt, for example by staying active in winter. (24) It is often hard for them to find food, so some animals such as mice collect extra food before winter and hide it. When winter comes, they return to the hiding places to eat the food. Some animals grow thicker fur, or live in tree holes or underground to stay warm.

Some birds migrate by flying to a warmer place for the winter, where they can find more food. Some fly very long distances, including one kind of bird that flies from the remote north of the world all the way to the distant south. (25) Some birds fly in groups for safety, while others fly alone.


预览四道题各选项,由 survive the bitter cold, eating very little, seeking food, thicker hair storing enough food等表达可推测,短文内容与动物如何过冬有关,可能会涉及不同动物过冬的方式。


22. What does the speaker say about animals in winter?

C)。(详解)短文中提到,动物有三种方式度过寒冷的冬天,分别是冬眠、适应环境和迁徙。这说明动物在 冬季会寻求不同的方法来应对寒冷,答案为C)。

23. What do we learn about animals that sleep through winter?

B)。(详解)短文中提到,在冬天来临之前,选择冬眠的动物会多吃食物以变胖,这样可以给它们提供在冬 眠的时候所需要的能量。由此可知,冬眠的动物在冬眠时消耗的是冬眠前储存的能量,答案为B)。

24. How do animals like mice adapt to the severe winter?

D)。(详解)短文中提到,像老鼠这样适应环境的动物在冬天到来之前会收集更多的食物并把食物储藏起 来;冬天到来后,它们再去藏匿地点吃这些食物。即老鼠通过提前储备足够的食物来过冬,答案为D)。

25. Why do some birds fly in groups for migrating according to the speaker?
