
(3) One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.

Aliy Zirkle was the first to report an attack.

A snowmobile driver had repeatedly attempted to harm her and her team, and one of Zirkle's dogs had received a non-life-threatening injury.

Zirkle reported the attack when she arrived in Nulato, Alaska. in the early hours of the morning.

(4) Then Jeff King, a four-time champion, reported a similar attack.

His team was hit by a snowmobile driver, injuring several dogs and killing a 3-year-old male dog

Reporter Zachariah Hughes says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured.

Although this incident very much alters the race of the two participants competing for a win, both are going to continue on their way toward the finishing line.

Alaska State Troopers released a statement saying they've arrested Amold Demoski, 26. He faces trial on several charges.


预览两道题各选项由第3题选项中的 Thefts, injuries, Attacks和 accident可初步推测,新闻内 容与一次恶性事件有关;再结合选项中的Race, competitors和 competition可进一步推测,这次恶性事件与 项比赛有关。


3. What is the news report mainly about?

C)。(详解)新闻开头提到,在阿拉斯加一次似乎针对艾迪塔罗德雪橇比赛选手的故意袭击事件中,一条狗 被一名摩托雪橇手杀死,多条狗受伤。接下来,新闻对此次袭击事件进行了详细讲述。因此答案为C)。

4. What do we learn about Jeff King?

B)。详解)新闻中提到,获得过四次冠军的杰夫·金报告说遭遇了相似的袭击。由此可知,杰夫·金获得 了四次阿拉斯加艾迪塔罗德雪橇比赛的冠军,故答案为B)。